
Fertility and Smoking

Faisal, 19 Dec 2017

It is an established fact that smoking is bad for female fertility. But only a small portion of the population knows that it is equally bad for male fertility. Leaving out the well-known health effects of smoking like lung cancer, heart disease, eye disease, gum disease, diabetes and respiratory problems, we will only discuss the […]

Does Size Matter?


The question remains on the mind of men if not on the tongue- Does size matter? It’s been so long since this matter is out in the open but still people do not have a clear cut answer to their query. And it is because the answer to this question varies according to the individual. For […]

How Orgasm Can Build Up A Trustworthy Relationship?

Faisal, 16 Dec 2017

Almost everyone knows the benefits of orgasm but do you know that frequent orgasms can help your partner to stay loyal to you? You should ask how we know this. And we pay our respect to the scientists who can do a research on just about anything. Orgasms are wonderful. And its magic wand is […]